How it all started

The Enchanted Attic was established in 1992 by Tony and Diane Rolen who saw the need for a store that could provide a little more to their customers than just products on a shelf. Diane had previously been a professional singer when a minor throat surgery left her unable to talk. Even the doctors at Mayo Clinic could not diagnose the problem or come up with a solution. So Diane had no choice but to search for alternative methods of healing which were difficult to find at that time. Diane began to learn about the mind body connection, how to meditate, use visualization, and retain a positive focus. After months of being unable to utter a word the first sound that came out of her mouth was a spontaneous laugh, which was a direct result of the healing techniques she had been using. Diane went on to regain her voice and The Enchanted Attic is her way of reminding people there are lots of different ways to look at the world by first looking inside yourself. Find a spiritual path, open your mind to new ideas, and enjoy the journey.